Florida Fashion

Taylor Gregg
2 min readMar 26, 2021

After my spring break trip to Florida I have noticed a significant difference in styles, colors, and overall fashion in Florida vs Kansas, where I am from.

Arriving in Florida I was filled with excitement to be in the warm weather and relax at the beach with my friends. Along side the landscape changes I also noticed a significant change in the locals fashion choices vs Kansas’.

Driving through I saw lots of vibrant colors and sleeveless tops. For example, T-Shirts with the sleeves cut off as well as sweatshirts without sleeves. Almost everyone was wearing short shorts. The teenage boys had much shorter shorts on then the ones here in Kansas. The girls often wore swimsuit tops out paired with a skirt and jean shorts. This was allowed in almost all restaurants, shops, and grocery stores. For shoes I noticed many girls in sandals, flipflops, or platformed sandals which is very similar to the female styles during summertime in Kansas.

The colors were also much different, almost everyone had colored shirts on. Most even with patterns. I rarely saw any plain solid shirts and let alone any sweatshirts or heavy jackets. Which is most likely due to the warm weather.

Overall, I was very pleased with the common styles in Florida. Colors were vibrant and happy and it wasn't uncommon to wear short shorts or a cropped shirt. Being able to walk around in my swimsuit top after the beach was a pleasant change as well as it was a very common occurrence down in Florida. But, those who like the more modest or layered clothing would probably not prefer the common Florida fashion.

Written and Published — Taylor Gregg

